BOIV Service Offerings
The primary activity of the BOIV is to promote Islam as a complete and comprehensive way of life based on Holy Quran and Sunnah (the authentic traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and bring unity and solidarity among Muslims in Victoria.
Marriage Nikkah
Marriage Celebrants and forms required for marriage/nikkah 

Mediation, Arbitration & Dissolution of Islamic Marriage
One of the important services provided by Board of Imams Victoria (BOIV) since its inception in 1984 is ‘mediation and arbitration’.
Inheritance & Wills
A ‘Will’ is a legal document that spells out the wishes of a deceased person for the distribution of his/her assets. In Australia, if a person passes away without leaving a legally valid will, his/her assets will be distributed according to the ‘laws of intestacy’. 

Funeral Services
Death is the inevitable truth. Islam encourages its adherence to contemplate and be prepare for it with virtuous deeds. 

Zakat & Sadakah
BOIV in collaboration with National Zakat Foundation has been collecting Zakat from the Muslim community for local distribution. We are experiencing an ever growing need from local Muslims from all quarters who are facing economic hardship. 

BOIV Multi-Function Hall
The BOIV Multi-Function Hall is available for Muslim community events and functions. We welcome ‘Expression of Interest’ from Muslim community organisations and individuals.